Q: Do you have all Lance parts available?
A: We keep a large stock of parts that are immediately available, while we source the other parts in the most expedite way possible. As you may be aware, the supply chain is currently with many gaps, and it may happen some parts are not available at all, and it takes months to produce them. We expect this situation to persist until the COVID-19 crisis is over.

Q: Do you supply the original parts?
A: At LancePartsOnline we're committed to carrying OEM and premium after-market scooter parts and accessories. That means every item in stock either comes directly from the manufacturer or from a brand with a reputation for lasting quality and premium performance. Simply put, if we wouldn't install it on our scooters, we don't sell it.

Q: How long will it take to get the parts?
A: The length of time it takes to receive your parts will depend on their availability in our stock. Once we ship your order, we will provide you with a shipping confirmation email so you can track your order. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care team.

Q: Can I pick up the parts at your store?
A: Yes, you can pick up your parts at our service facility located at 1743 Bay Rd, Miami Beach.

Q: What if I order the wrong part?
A: We recommend double-checking to ensure you are ordering the correct part to avoid any additional shipping costs. However, if you do order the wrong part, we offer 14 day free returns. Additionally, we offer assistance to help you make the right choice. Simply send us pictures of the parts you need to replace, and we will do our best to determine the right parts for you. Your satisfaction and loyalty are our top priorities.

Q: How can you guarantee the lowest prices?
A: We have been in the scooter business since 1998 and have built strong relationships with manufacturers and suppliers. This allows us to secure the lowest prices for our customers due to the high volume of parts we purchase.

Q: I find your online store amazing, why do you offer Lance parts only?
A: Thank you for the compliment! While we are currently focused on providing Lance parts, we are considering expanding to include other brands in the future. We want to ensure that we can provide the same level of availability and low prices for these additional brands before offering them to our customers.

Q: Can I get a discount if I order in bulk?
A: Yes, we offer bulk discounts for large orders. Please contact our Customer Care team for more information and to receive a quote.